Meditation Intensive with Amanda Vitaro
New Dates Coming Soon!
|Yoga Light Studio
Time & Location
New Dates Coming Soon!
Yoga Light Studio, 51 Jevlan Drive, Woodbridge, ON, Canada
During meditation, the individual trains the mind to acknowledge its content without becoming identified with that content. In this 17 hour training, participants will explore meditation through practice, contemplation, and discussion, and will leave the training with the tools needed to either start a mediation practice, to evolve an existing practice, or to teach it through guided mediations.
This course will:
• Help you to deepen your understanding of meditation (foundations, history and practice), through both informational content and experiential practice;
• Provide the tools, experience, and guidance to further your own meditation or mindfulness practices;
• Explore the science, practice, and application of meditation and mindfulness in healthcare, education, worksites, and other applications;
• Teach the benefits of different types of meditation practices;
• Teach you how to script and deliver guided and/or themed meditations;
• Teach you how to lead meditations in differing and unique circumstances;
• Teach the skills to apply mindfulness practices to relationships and situations of conflict, trauma, and behavioral change;
• Teach the ethics of guiding meditations;
• Provide mentoring during and after the training.
This training is beneficial for yoga instructors, health care providers, life coaches, mental health professionals, and educators interested in teaching meditation or mindfulness, or in incorporating these techniques into a professional setting. It is also valuable for those looking to take control of their personal health through a greater understanding of the mind-body connection, or to deepen their connection to the people and the environment through increased awareness and mindfulness.
After the course, participants will be required to lead 2 guided mediation classes at Yoga Light Studio (Practicum).
No prior mediation experience required.
** This training constitutes a mandatory course in Yoga Light Studio’s 300 Hour Teacher Training Program, and all hours can be credited towards this training.
Dates: New Dates Coming Soon!
Exchange: $300 + HST