Prenatal, Postnatal and Baby & Me Yoga
New Dates Coming Soon!
|Yoga Light Studio
With Angela Jackson & Sarah Wetmore

Time & Location
New Dates Coming Soon!
Yoga Light Studio, 51 Jevlan Drive, Woodbridge, ON, Canada
This course is suitable for yoga teachers, as well as anyone who wishes to learn about adapting the physical practice of yoga to prenatal and postnatal bodies, and how to practice yoga with a new baby.
Topics include:
• General Anatomy & Physiology through trimesters of pregnancy; stages of labour and childbirth
• Emotional and Mental Health
• Benefits of Yoga in Pregnancy
• Asana for Pregnancy, Modifications, Core Considerations, Poses to Relieve Discomforts, Restorative Yoga for Pregnancy,
Physiological Guidelines
• How to Structure a Class, Cueing, Assisting
• Postnatal Yoga/Baby and Me yoga
• How does yoga prepare one for birth and the postnatal period?
• How to safely return to exercise after having a child?
Course includes full Manual and private Facebook group for alumni to support and network job opportunities. Course leaders, Angela and Sarah, are established birth professionals and certified yoga teachers who specialize in prenatal and postnatal health and education.
Dates: New Dates Coming Soon!
$699 + HST
** This is an elective course in Yoga Light Studio’s 300 Hour Advanced Teacher Training Program (30 hours + 2 non-contact hours). Hours for this workshop can be credited towards all Yoga Teacher Training Certifications and Continuing Education **